>>4417526>If you presume to speak Chinese to a native level, then I'm afraid there is even less reason to believe you since you could very easily be part of this horseshit.So if anyone here were to claimed they could speak mandarin you would just right them off as chink? if so why didn't you right these guys off as chink
>>4380993. Since they could be, "Muh falseflaggers". All this time, the only evidence you have for righting off that info graphic is that it could be a falseflag. Why don't you just present some evidence that it's not. It should be easy enough. Why don't you get some taiwanese translator that you believe in. Show some archives that the video translation was bad and was rrat pushing. I remember the only people who were pushing the video was a mistranslation were one of the artfiafag chinks brigading against coco doing damage control on threads and reddit. I also remember that same guy was one of the first reddit mods.