>>87175174I wouldn't say "more hateable" but I would say her type is the most insufferable. She's the kind of girl who falls upward her entire life, she's not smart or clever but will always tell the same 5 stories about her dead cat (from 20 years ago) and simps will donate gorillions to her because she was a "STEM girl", so all the programmer dorks with too much cash and too little pussy are reminded of that one girl in their programming department they wanted to fuck. She is the kind of woman who gets by basically by leeching off the men who want to fuck her. When stuff goes tits up because of her fuckups she will then cry and play the victim. She is the kind of woman that makes an entire civilization convert to islam and hardcore shariah, the refutation of women's rights- the embodiment of women's wrongs.
But she's not particularly evil or malicious. Which is worse, in a way.