An yway schedule time. Currently live:
Zen - Playing Youtuber's Life 2. Learning a lot about the inner workings of running a Youtube channel with 100% real tips - Fucking around in Minecraft. Not collabing with anyone if you were hoping for that, but if you want spacing out then you've got it. - Also fucking around in Minecraft, but listening to nice Pokemon music. I like it. - Fucking around in Noita some more. Expect death. - Finally got her model working again and is going back to playing Seaman. The Dreamcast game if you haven't been paying attention. today:
Nyan - Probably more Minecraft. Probably would've been on by now but said she will be late. Also said after she ends stream she'll be raiding...
Mouse - Also Minecraft. Also the only full day she has dedicated to it this week, though it could also appear Wednesday and Saturday.
Still waiting on new schedules from Silver and Mel, though there is an update from Mel 4 hours ago saying she finally understands Minecraft. Hime tweeted an update last night saying she swears she's almost done moving and she'll be able to stream more regularly when she is. And Froot is an unknown as always, but don't forget that her birthday is this Friday!