>>6117238oh man where do I even start. There's the whole desaster about how it was advertised with a Lance-Waifu, who was in your party for like 5-10 fights, then left to never come back. Instead you get Rose, who is good but also the Waifu of Baba, the worst producer to have ever been in the Tales Team and everything he touches turns to shit, the amount of seethe over this dude across boards is unreal. The game itself has retarded mechanics, it's the only Tales I remember which doesn't let you switch out the character you control in the overworld, you HAVE to play one of the two MCs in order to fuse with elemental spirit characters which basically means you can pick one of two instead of assembling a party of 4 out of many which was the norm forever, it introduced small rosters with just 6 playable characters which carried over to Berseria. Vesperia had 9, Xillia 2 had like 11. The story is ASS, this is technically spoilers but fuck me, it's literally "you are the chosen one, go beat evil because evil is bad" and it's played STRAIGHT. No loreblurb can save this wreck of creative downfall from being boring as shit. Then there's all the fujobait. Then there's the game being advertised as "open world" which is fucking hilarious to think about, it's empty as shit and exploring isn't helpful much. All ruins/dungeons are hallways and fight-rooms (Berseria also has this, sadly) because they want the fight to "be where you hit the monster", compare those dungeons to Vesperia, Symphonia, Abyss, all of them look WAY better than ruin corridor #2304. The final bossfight is scripted and boring as shit, the references to Berseria don't justify playing it, and they had the fucking nerve to release paid DLC for all the people mad about Lancewaifu not being present enough. The ONLY good thing about Zestiria is the opening song, which is an absolute banger.I mean dip as in reflect her numbers somewhat, all these views can't be some normalfags doing GHOST-Reps, could they?