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You know I remember seeing ame in my recommended playing mario galaxy back in 2021 and would watch those streams from time to time, not really getting into vtubers all that much. Then I lost my job early 2022 and had already moved out of my parents place at that time too so I was stressing out over trying to find a job in order to pay for shit. I started drinking a lot because I had nothing else to do to keep my mind off the stress, then I saw ame in my recommended again, it was the smol 3d episode right before fes. I watched it and then saw her fes performance right after. At that point I was hooked on watching her. I started drawing again and even found my way here after my old /vg/ general died. I picked up a few new skills along the way because ame was always doing something creative with her streams and I wanted to do stuff like that. I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do now that she's gone. There's too many other vtubers and I can't keep up with all of them, Ame was the only one I made sure I caught a stream of consistently and now those cockroaches are putting her in some office position. I don't get it. I hate it.