>>65626781I think this is a fantastic idea go for it Lia. I have some free time and that list was clearly written by a protestant so I wish to clear some of the bullet points up and teach my friends here some real history lessons.
>1This is a reference to evolution being false which it is and I could expand on this greatly but it the minimum you need to know was that the "theory of evolution" was written by a luciferian freemason known as charles darwin.
>2Lvl 18 is a reference to the age of consent which is a feminist/protestant farce. Within Catholicism young marriages are encouraged and throughout History many have married young. For example my King Saint Louis IX of France was married at 14 to my Queen Margaret of Provence when she was 13. The second part is a reference to homosexuality (which is wrong) and "gender" however "gender" is false as it is a fake term coined by a degenerate jew named john money (who did diabolical things to twin boys. Look him up.). "sex" (male or female) is real but "gender" is not.
>3protestants believe you must kick out your children at 18. This is wrong and traditionally the children live in the home until marriage at which point the married couple move in to their new home together for the first time.
>4A reference to evil and evil tools like a ouija board being strictly prohibited to Christians from indulging in
>5serpants are generally associated with the devil. However context matters and the serpent is sometimes an example of a good as with the bronze serpant and Our Lord Jesus Christ - Numbers 21:9 and John 3:14
>6fossils are fake, dinosaurs never existed, the earth is not billions of years old, and the sedimentary layers are fake. (((Science))) lies all the time just like space.
>7Gambling is a vice dont do it
>8Using drugs is a sin, dont do it
>9This is is a reference to legendary pokemon often having deity like status which would be false gods equivalent in the real world. In which case yes they should be destroyed
>10This is likely a reference to suffering, suffering and chastisement are a huge part of Catholicism as our Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth not to free us from suffering but to transform suffering into the currency of redemption. Our reward will be in the Kingdom of Heaven above, the more we suffer her the greater our reward will be provided we use that suffering as our redemption.
>lastlyfeel free to ask me any question on any of the points and I will gladly expand on them. I used to believe those things too but then I actually researched them myself and discovered they were lies