Quoted By:
>be me in 2014
>a friend of mine was given a robust inheritance soon after the death of one of his aunts.
>he decides to invite me and two of his friends that I don't really know to travel to sweden to cheer himself up a little, given that he became understandably depressed soon after her death
>he pays for everything (btw he blew most of the money not too long after that, good guy though)
>being in sweden we decide to roam around forests for the simple reason that it's new to us, we lived in santiago(chile) and never really had the experience of being around nature and stuff like that
So one day we were roaming around in the woods, in plain daylight (it looked almost like it was morning even though it was like 4 pm) and this happens.
>we see some car that looks straight out of a 90s mafia movie along with a man and a little girl who appears to be his daughter
>they both look normal and the dad seems to be explaining something to his daughter about trees or something(he's speaking in sweden so we don't know, but I do see him point at trees so it makes sense to me)
>they notice us and say something, a friend of my friend says in english that none of us can speak swedish and that we don't understand what he says(he says it slowly)
>man speaks fluent english anyway and then asks us if we're lost, and that the part that they're at is somewhat difficult to reach (which is a lie, we're not deep inside the woods because we'd never go that far out of fear, also I doubt you can go deep with a car)
>man is soft spoken and talks about random shit about nature, we listen silently because we're all autistic and a little bit nervous, plus he's not really being mean to us in anyway and is overall sympathetic
>rants about some people getting mad for bringing cars into the woods but that he does it anyway because he's cool and because it makes it easier to bring stuff
>at some point, we all look at each other In what I assume to be a silent understanding that we all want to leave but don't know how to end this "conversations" (In reality it's just the man talking while we nod, and this has been going for what feels like an eternity at this point)
>look back at the man to fake a smile or some shit
>man is gone
>kid is gone
>entire car is gone
We freaked out and that's the story. It was just cringekino in a foreign country until surprise spooky shit happened. I don't know what explanation to give to that. They disappeared in the split second we looked at each other. Incredibly boring "paranormal" story but I don't know what kind of explanation to give to that.