>>39365197Low-key there's a comment I saw that resonated with me and seeing how this has gone it is exactly how Enna see's the minority of us. We're so low-key we're bunched in with the rest of them. low-key what a coincidence I too was looking at vtubers the 2 and 3 view. low-key I'm hesitant because none of them are like Enna's personality and her voice. low-key I feel spiritually drained I haven't involved myself in her chat I feel more comfortable typing here that's sad to me.
The comment I'm referring to
>>39270188 and in case the comment gets lost.
"I thought about this the other day..
Every relationship (you) have with a celebrity is parasocial.
>celebrity|----|celebrity's image|------------|community|----|(you)
You're not talking to the actual person but to the image they want to project.
They're not talking to you but to the community.
Relationships involving VTubers are very parasocial by nature because the image they project is very far from their actual selves. You don't even know their name nor what they look like.
Also, the bigger the community gets, the less significant your presence actually is and the relationship between you and the celebrity becomes more "para".
I think it can be pretty fun to decompose the relationship in smaller parts :
>(celebrity; celebrity's image)
>(celebrity; community)
>((you), celebrity's image)
>((you), community)
Why am i such an ESL autist"