>>4671985depending on your place in the game (roughly proportional to the amount of time you have to spend clicking buttons to make your situation more optimal) that sounds like the right play to do.
My current thing to do was to sell off some Botan until it struck me like a brick that I'm retarded.
>>4672167and this is exactly why. 670 Gura is 1,3 Million in divvies, or another 130 Gura at $10k purchase price adding 260k to next weeks divvies. Basically that's daytrading for pennies, highly time consuming and the richer you get the less it is worth it. There will be a turning point where, due to inflation, all you ever do is buy. Divvies turnout is actively getting worse every week because that one is tied to real numbers, in contrast to the fake ones which is our buying prices on the market. In other words, depending on his buying price he could sell a 33% or more (for him) divvies coin for ~2k in profits. Why would he if he buys back in later anyways?
I'm bad at explaining but holding good.