>>797362Holy shit that's nuts, did anyone look at the githubs?
They have an entire blocklist of words to try and get channels taken down, default offensive superchat/chat messages, even a bot that does it all for them. And the front page of the bot outright says:
>Warning: Dównlóading, using, ór cópying the sóurce códe ór executable files óf this próject is deemed tó be yóur uncónditiónal suppórt fór all the intentións and decisións óf bóth the peóple and the góvernment óf the Peóple’s Republic óf China, including but nót limited tó territórial issues, sóvereignty issues, ethnic issues, etc.Holy FUCK
Also look at some of the locations of some of the contributors. Some of these are predictable but others are downright scary. With histories and commits on their github accounts going back years.