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tonight, we continue our coverage of idol corp and their alleged connections to the chinese communist party. we'll be focusing on their member enya ignis, specifically. miss ignis' history seems benign on the surface, but is it really? her family has ties to organized crime, particularly the mafia. she has been routinely implicated as of being involved in the multiple arson attacks. she has been accused no less than 31 times of impropriate behavior against other women, including coworkers. worst of all, she used to be an LGBT icon. what's going on? how does someone like this get a gamersupps cup?
you may note that I said, "used to be" an LGBT icon. nowadays, miss ignis distances herself from the topic. in fact, she has even recently gone on record of not caring about people's pronouns. she routinely encourages members of her disproportionately transsexual audience to kill themselves. she has even gone so far as to upend her entire career and begin working as a new identity, explcitely to escape a fanbase she hated. not much an ally, is she? hm. could it just be yet another example of someone regretting associating with the woke mafia? maybe. but I don't think so. I think, miss ignis is a duplicitous individual who says what she needs to in the moment.
why should she not be trusted? well, let's look at some more benign details about miss ignis. she claims to be allergic to wheat, among many other foods. yet when suffers from an episode of her chronic tummy hort, she addresses it with eating pizza on the floor. is she stupid, or does she think we are? I think it's doubtful she even suffers from chronic tummy hort. being a resident of canada, she has had numerous emergency health incidents. somehow though, she has not yet been forced into their MAID program, as is the case with many other invalids. she claims to not want to be sexualized, but just look at her tummy and tell me she doesn't want men such as myself thinking of what depraved acts they'd commit if given 5 minutes with it.
this all leads me to the main issue. miss ignis claims to be a fan of aviation, and even had a pilot's license. I don't particularly doubt this fact, but what is she really doing with that knowledge of aviation? recently, she's been traveling. supposedly for the holidays, nothing unusual, but now she claims issues with her residency. what caused this? according to her, forgetting to renew her passport. again, I ask, and excuse my language, does she really expect us to believe she's that retarded? certainly, she may sound it, but I don't think so. someone that idolizes the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has experience with aviation, and generally can't be trusted becomes unaccounted for during a period of numerous aviation disasters. we're supposed to assume that's a coincidence? she cancels a stream on the very same day that THREE boeing 737s all experience the same technical failure, and that's a coincidence? what is going on?
why would she and idol commit such acts? it's simple. their CCP benefactor wants to sabotage the great american aviation industry, so people will begin buying their own airplanes instead. who else better to do it, than a cute and seemingly innocent little girl. if I caught her sabotaging a plane's landing gear and she flashed that tummy at me while calling me a sick pedo, I'd almost certainly become incapacitated from the ensuing premature ejaculation. she knows exactly what she's doing, and the CCP knows western men have grown too weak to correct brats. are we supposed to be okay with this? I don't think so. if you don't punch a brat's tummy today, there'll be a lot more 9/11s tomorrow.