>>43543232 (Me) Speaking of irradiation and damage to organic material, there is an interesting concept called braking radiation, or Bremsstrahlung presumably because it was discovered by a German. Basically, when an electron (which is also known as beta ray) is decelerated by an atomic nucleus, its energy is converted into EM wave. If the electron is travelling fast enough and thus lost a lot of energy when braking, it could generate powerful photons in the X-ray range (which is incidentally how X-ray machines and related medical equipment works). That means if you have a way to accelerate electrons to a very high speed (like, say, a particle cannon) and manage to hit something with a dense material (like, say, a ship's hull) the braking radiation generated by the strike will basically turn the inside of the ship into a giant X-ray machine, which is a decidedly bad news for any organic being inside, but it can also cause significant damage to electronic equipment as well (especially when considering that the electrons will give them a lot of electric charge).