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Nina playing NitW:
>Good ending: She didn't enjoy the game, explains in a constructive way all the flaws that she found and admits she was sold on hype alone, she's disappointed and normalfags are disgusted with her reasonable opinion.
>Neutral ending: Finds the game okay or interesting but never elaborates why, in a cryptic way explains why the game was unique but you can't tell if she enjoyed it or not.
>Bad ending: Enjoyed the game but can't explain why. She elaborates on why but it feels like listening to some soulless shill. Not the worst thing ever but enables more shit like that in the future.
>Nightmare ending: Loves the game and blatantly turns into a SJW political expert. It all goes downhill from here. This place finally dies of cancer.
>Elira ending (Chaos ending): OH MAH GAH THE GAME IS SO KYUUUTEE. Huh? The story? I dunno but I LOVE THIS GUY HE'S SO CUTEEE. AND WHEN THEY DID THAT AWWWW. What did I think about the characters and motivations? SO SO KYUTEEEEEE. I'm glad I played this game because if not I would be missing on these CUTE characters.