>>11714159very shit taste yikes
>>11714229Understandable but bad
>>11714245Probably the worst one
>>11714290Change S tiers and D tiers. Others are not bad.
>>11714511Kinda true. Vtubers are getting worse and worse
>>11714665Trash. I bet you're a burger zoomer
>>11714676I hate your kind but understandable
>>11714776Please at least give Council a chance.
>>11714788Average deadbeat list
>>11714817Based birb enjoyer
>>11714832Good taste
>>11714911This looks like the taste of a threadreader
>>11715729I'm happy that you're enjoying vtubers but please be more mean next time. Too many A tiers
>>11715995ywnbj but based
>>11716131Very weird tier list. You don't like coomerbait but you like GFE (but not ame?)
>>11716209I hate coomers. I bet you watch hololive to fap
>>11716255Good tier for designs
>>11716481Boring like bread
>>11716548I guess it fits for your timezone. Not a tier list tho
>>11716550I disagree with some but good overall
>>11716876You can't post here if you're below the age of 18
>>11717304Very original tier list. I respect that
>>11717565>>11717137Are you the same anon?
>>11717695go back
>>11717850>>11717565>>11717137Are you all the same person or simply australian? Shit taste nevertheless
>>11717857Based i guess
>>11718121Good for sex but bad for your mental health
>>11718135Gurame is dead anon. You need to let it go.