>>29469614I don't know precisely I am not a clever man. Something about the quantum nature of reality and the present being able to rewrite the past as well as influence the future. The govt "course" I've been put through is part of the greater 70s style mental conditioning of psychedelic "thought" establishing the fractal nature of the fabric of reality and the various CIA spook insights of "magic" or manipulating the "holographic reality matrix" they've touted as allegorical parallel to the perceptible mechanisms of interfacing with our lived experiences. The whole vtuber "racket" is govt backed rehabilitative services for the deep seated "terminal" cases of late 90s/early 00s and more recent online govt grooming operations after their perceived slights against the establishment have been atoned for (see World Peace/MDE "The Man Who Would Never Be... What They Made Him To Be). See also the "Death Grips" project.
>>29469531No the last govt sponsored whore that I was given from 4chan I failed to springboard into a streaming career over 8 years ago after I washed out from a "warehouse manager" position with a small spook based electrical company. My entire life has been getting shuffled between unspoken govt sponsored job placement programs in either major companies or completely fabricated small companies.