>>69743727>>69743963Your post is a profoundly autistic one (also incredibly reductive) in response to my scattered outpouring of genuine but largely abstract feelings that I attempted to transcribe into logical words. In obviously meaningless and futile attempts to somehow placate a complete faggot who I generously gave the benefit of the doubt as wanting to know in good faith and thus responded in kind but who is actually an "idol hating" nijifaggot stirring trouble and talking shit. Your entire post is "um actually no, that's all livers and also no um because I say so, I can't give any examples but it's just a given right?" ("livers" by the way you fucking hole, fuck you)
Also I literally said I wasn't aiming to shit on Ame, just that being an ideas person doesn't mean following through with those ideas, and if you're incapable of that, what good are the ideas. But then again the only reason you suggest I'm shitting on Ame is to stir shit in a Holo thread because your company is full of cliquey whores and unrestrained psychopathic sexpest men.
Anyway, tl;dr if you have pussy lips I'd love to strap you to a rocking chair and cut them off with a pair of scissors, nijifriend.