>>34519943I have been subjected to a global-wide Panopticon purposely formulated to keep my sanity imprisoned to the online digital space. I keep inserting myself into groups of people who'd gladly drink the State department kool aid than facing the reality that Global Imperial America enforced hypermodernity has destroyed everything, from their own families to the communities they were supposed to belong. The average "le antipolitik but not really because he actually believes in State department propaganda" otaku has accepted his deracination by embracing hypermodernity and made the IPs of global multinationals who want them to become mere numbers on a spreadsheet, perfect for product standardization and assured managerial control even over the most basic of their core identity. The state department-multinational corporation partnership wants you and I to become men without chests, mere meatbag tabularasa for their utopian social experiment. If you don't have a visceral reaction and are not disgusted about the things these posthumans are subjecting you to follow, you're too far gone