>>32149737Shooting something in the water would generally be much harder than shooting something out of the water. Water distortion alone can fuck up your shot, and if you are close enough to the fish to shoot it then you've probably already reeled it in, in which case you could just... reel it in the rest of the way. The other way people kill fish at pole-length is to just whack it with a paddle, because if you shot the fish you might also just obliterate it depending on the size. No point in catching and eating a fish if you blew off a chunk of it.
>>32149573Fishing poles are pretty similar to snare traps, if you think about it. A lure, a rope, and some retrieval mechanism. People use snares on smaller animals like rabbits, but anything larger probably becomes too large or too smart to reasonably capture like that.
Also, a 1:1 land hook wouldnt work well because fish are designed to swallow bait whole hook and all, much like keyfriends. Animals can bite or nibble, or pull apart bait with hands. Actually hooking them the same way would be almost impossible.