New match is up. This time it's Neuro/Anny vs Evil/Vedal. Vedal's unsuccesful team-ups with Motherv3 and Camila made him decide to make some changes to v1 (who was previously defeated by v2 and got replaced by her a tag-team with with Anny) and team up with her for old time's sake. little write-up is based on the fact that when I was making v2, I duplicated Neuro and was planning to make the v2 attire for the original one and transform the clone into Evil, but fucked up and did the opposite (so Evil is actually based on my original Neuro and v2 is the clone). Also, I really wanted Evil/Vedal to win this one.Next match is gonna be something with Lia, or maybe another tag match with Evil/Vedal, probably against Filian/Numi or Miyu/Olette.