>>57004374Man I'm reminded of all the early Holo stories that the girls often talk about.
How Sora was pondering on whether to quit when everyone was shitting on chuubas for not being "real", how sponsorships and funding were so damn scarce because of that, and how she got cheered up by A-chan and still continued the grind until the Christmas miracle and beyond.
How Miko used to get worse numbers than any of the current homos for MONTHS, how that made her want to quit, how she and Yagoo cried together about their early issues, how Mio and Subaru convinced her to continue, and how she continued the grind until her GTA breakout and beyond.
How Gen2 was literally given a phone and told to stream whatever with zero guidance because they didn't really know anything at the time, permanently making their Gen one of the most dissociated, and yet they grinded and eventually managed to use that distance as a unifying symbol to become a proper gen again.
How Suisei almost considered quitting after a year as an indie and a year in Inonaka didn't get her any more opportunities, and how A-chan cheered her up and encouraged her to continue, and how she continued grinding until her breakout "Ghost" and beyond.
How Choco almost considered quitting when Youtube nuked her primary content (ASMR) right out of orbit, but she continued the grind until she figured out how to make it work, and discovered a new niche of game grinding along the way.
How Coco worked late into the night to finish Asacoco 5 days a week for half a year while having another job, before she had to stop due to affecting her health.
How Subaru got a bunch of her archives DELETED instead of being privated, with zero backup, forever condemning hours of her viewtime into the abyss.
How that same thing happened to literally EVERY holo, two years of content and viewtime down the fucking DRAIN, never to be seen again.
And yet they didn't stop, they simply grinded HARDER in order to make up for the lost content.
I fucking hate any asshole who says that Hololive "has it easy".
These girls grinded their flesh and bones to DUST in order to get to where they are right now.
And seeing some of these fucks just EXPECTING popularity to happen to them, just because they have some association with the company behind them?
It's one of the highest levels of insult you can give to that legacy, and anyone peddling this narrative can and should be dismissed off hand for being the lazy fucks that they are.
GRIND you fucks! WORK for your glory for ONCE in your pathetic lives!
These cute little girls aren't any stronger than you are mentally. They had the same problems, the same level of ridicule, the same level of shitty numbers, the same level of dogshit luck, and much higher levels of hate than any of you little shits could ever tolerate.
And they had to suffer with all of that for YEARS before they got big.
OF COURSE they wanted to quit. They've been where you are, rotting, unwanted, with low numbers, low income, just grinding away for what feels like forever with zero rewards or even an end in sight.
But the difference between you and them is that they didn't quit.
> You only have control over the work that you do, never to its results.> Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction.Holostars EN will NEVER get anywhere as long as they continue having this kind of weak mentality.