>>61727741Now, here is a different (and more seldomly posted) chart
>30 DAYS TRUE AVERAGE, PER BRANCH, MINOR LEAGUEIt contains Holostars EN, Holostars JP, Phase Connect and Idol EN.
Here is a caveat
>the small Y axis makes everything look very impressive and dramaticbut remember it all happens in the confines of the sub 1k realm, for the most part
Some comments
1) Holostars EN
They had more or less stabilized just a tad under 1k up until August 2023 but, after the graduation notices came, they are continuously gliding down and seem to have stop just over the 700 line
2) The JP Holostars
That branch has a stable 500 line they follow for the most part except when they find a "big break" and their average spikes for the 30 days.
This time it was Rikka musical stream (feat. guests) which on its own pushed Holostars average 200pts (40%) up, to almost the same level of their EN counterpart.
It will fall out of range in a week tho, and they'll likely return to their comfy 500 zone
3) Phase Connect
Someone from their fanbase can likely explain better but something happened and they're continuously inclining since the start of September.
It's a modest incline (from low 400 to high 500) but it goes against the grain with the other EN branches in this chart
4) IdolEN
Like the EN Holostars, they're gliding down from August forward, going from high 500s and dominating the EN micro corpos sphere to their current low 300s.
It might have been the new gen, or Rin's poor choice of content and apparent stress, their fanbase could explain much better as well.
All in all, neither of these four branches would warrant even a mention in the "main" chart
>with their lines being confined between 300 and 800but it is interesting to see these minuscule movements unfolding