>>83863928Super Mario All-Stars. Fallout: New Vegas. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind/Oblivion. Star Ocean The Second Story/Til the End of Time. Radiata Stories. FF 3 and 4 on the DS. The Castlevania DS trilogy/SotN. FO 1/2. Halo 1-Reach AND ODST. Chrono Trigger. Legend of Legaia. The Legend of Dragoon. Jade Cacoon. Megaman Legends 1/2. Spyro 1-3. Crash 1-3. Banjo Kazooie 1 and 2. DK64. Super Mario 64. Paper Mario. Super Bomber Man. Both of the Bomberman 64 games. Both of the Bomberman games on GCN. Harvest Moon on PS1. The GBA Pokemon games and Platinum. Super Mario Sunshine. The Wind Waker. Majoras Mask. Ocarina of Time. The Twilight Prncess. Minish Cap. A Link to the Past. The E-Reader card expansion levels for Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario Brothers 3. Super Smash Brothers Melee and Brawl. Metroid Prime 1-3 and Hunters. Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission/Fusion/Dread. Xeno Chronicles/SAGA/Blade/X. FF Tactics. Metal Slug. Mega Man(X). Valkyrie Profile 1/2 (not that trashy Action RPG reboot). SH 1-4. Resident Evil 1-4 (The Originals and RE:Make). SMT1-4 and Vengeance. Persona 1-4 Golden. I could keep going but yeah.