>>96234616As I said it's good but the way it completely disregards history to push some cheap anti Trump propaganda is annoying. Like
>I also think this does a great job at explaining fascism in an emotional and artistic senseThis means absolutely nothing because fascism has a lot of currents and Mussolini's fascism especially in that period of time did not have a clear identity and quickly abandoned both the arditi (Bloody Christmas 1920) and the futurists(Marinetti). Arditi, Futurists, and Fascists. They are not the same at all. Vecchi was an ardito and a member of the first fasci, he pushed for action, he was behind the attack at the Avanti, Mussolini was beyond pissed off by that, he searched to enter politics not through action but through pacts and bureaucracy, same thing with the Pope, Marinetti was against any papal state, Mussolini was ok with it because as a son of a smith, he knew when you have to compromise and when you don't. Reducing all of that in Fascism = Mussolini to try a quick jab at Trump = MAGA is quite dumb.