>About M*x's Commissions>It started here>>4558778 >>4559095 My goals were to provide nice art to the community with a possible added bonus of exposing new people to Beatani. It would be an extra way for me to support Bea and the community with something other than direct donations to her. And I was just really hyped to get a whole bunch going. At this point there are still some commissions that are accepted and awaiting deliveries, but no new commissions offered in September. My plan is to have a soft stop after these finish, and then bring down the frequency A LOT. The frequency of the uploads is probably already slowing down. So, for example, maybe I would commission a piece for Bea's new outfit, etc (Special occasion type thing), or if i have a really good idea that I cant pass up on.
I actually had quite a bit of fun during the summer sending all of these commissions. Finding artists, thinking of unique scenarios, situations, settings, and outfits. Finding different styles which would work well with different prompts and learning to match them to get a great result. When you see that skeb delivery, it gives a bit of a high and I get hyped to open it up.
Separately, I've mentioned before that I like the idea of working with each artist one time. But once this initial batch flushes out, we will be left with about 30 artists. Would you be interested in a community poll where people select their favorite artist, and we can get one "repeat" commission from them? We can even poll the board for what they want it to be a commission of (must match style of artist selected). Once the initial commission list is completed (I'm guessing maybe about 1 month from now), I would bring this idea up again, with the full list.