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DMC sure is popular with foreigners, isn't it?
>DMCやってるというならば見る他無いな… 英語は分かんないけど…
If DMC is being played then I gotta watch it, right...? Even if I don't know English...
I dunno if V's voice in English is weird, but Same-chan keeps making fun of it.
Gura playing DMC is a thing of beauty, huh?
I think I want to learn English just for Same-chan, since she's cute
>サメちゃん日本語字幕にしてくれてるのかよ 優しすぎかよ
Same-chan is using Japanese subtitles, she's too kind for us
Same's pussy is clean-shaven.
Same-chan is about to reach 20k, is DMC a buff game?
First time watching Same-chan in a while, but she's still cute
If Same-chan gets numbers for this, the others will all follow suit.
>バイオで海外ニキのために英語音声にしろって言ってた奴ら馬鹿にされてたけど サメちゃんが日本語字幕にしてくれたらめっちゃ見やすいやん
And you guys made fun of people for saying that they (HoloJP Members) should use English audio in Resident Evil for the sake of foreign fans, just by using Japanese subtitles it makes it so much easier to watch Same-chan.
That's because the original audio is in English, not out of consideration for foreign fans.
I think Same-chan is getting over 20,000 here because she is using Japanese subtitles.
Is Same-chan a Love Live fan?
Same-chan nico nii'd
Flare's DMC VOD is still privated, huh?
>昔の声の出し方がどうとかで復活させないと言ってた まあそんな事より問題は初期ガワだろうな
She said she won't be bringing back VODs where she has her old voice. That said, obviously the real reason is because of her old Live2D though.
I think I want to learn English just for Same-chan, since she's cute
>>All of EN makes me want to do that.