>>40331419Superb. Reading the POV of a force being attacked by Palkyries is always a ton of fun, there's so much psychological influence going on. The young elf's magical green concoction, it made the soldiers more vulnerable to the magic, right? The descriptions of the mud, trenches and cold rain is just amazing, reminded me of accounts of the Battle of Passchendale. Polar regions do get frightfully muddy, especially if you're digging trenches there, muddy season is right.
Miscellaneous thoughts as I read:
>The bullet would continue its blissful slumber deep within the barrel.In a chapter with many, many well-crafted lines, I think this one is my favorite. Such a strong anthropomorphization of a simple bullet, who might have been destined to take a life. Feels very right somehow.
How did you learn about Han?
>field of flesh and bonesthe conspiracy...
Weaponized fiddle with a bow holding mechanism. Extremely cool.
Using a flint and steel contraption to measure ambient magic content? That's neat and new, maybe that was the standard way to measure it before the invention of the VT-meter.
Borasmor going through the "with great power, comes great killing" protagonist arc. That's a classic for a reason. This is nice insight into her morals.