>>82017008>>82026851>>82051860Ok. Both /wvt/ and the poal have decided that the weekly poal will become a day poal. I swear anons, this thing doesn't usually happen to me.. anyways New Years Resolutions Check-Up Poal Discussions:
>1st (5 votes) (Tied)Falling Far Behind on Resolutions and No Resolutions
>3rd (2 votes)On Track to Achieve Resolutions
>4th (1 vote) (Three-way Tie)Achieved Resolutions, Falling a Bit Behind on Achieving Resolutions and Forgot Resolutions
>7th (0 votes)Cannot Achieve Resolutions.
The most popular results are people feeling like they can't achieve a significant amount of their resolutions and people having no resolutions. Anons feeling like they are far behind on their resolutions could be because people are being just too hard on themselves but it is equally likely anons realise that they are being too lax, The popularity of the no resolutions option backs up the lax conclusion. The fact that achieved, on track to achieve and falling a bit behind on goals are all relatively similar in votes shows that there are quite a few organised anons in this thread. Though they could have choosen these options because they have underestimated their goals.
Despite this being only able to vote once, the number of votes were similar to prior poals after the first day. That suggests that the vote count being in the high 50s is comparable to there being 50-60 anons voting. However, partway through day 2 there were little to no votes which sheds doubt on the prior conclusion.
Anyways, despite the poal being only being one day, I am grateful to all the anons who decided to participate in this poal. Thank you /wvt/. For those struggling with their resolutions, YOU CAN DO IT! FIGHT ON! HANG IN THERE /wvt/!!! YOU WILL ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS with some effort and planning SO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!!!