>>91031803I am moderately intoxicated it would double my post time if I were to do that so I believe that the best idea is to just rapid fire off posts as fast as i can since it dosent seem like this thread will be any better than teh prvious one o r the one before that and based on history we will never get a better thread since the threads havent been good since Gura left us in June 2022. I do miss her very dearly and I thik that she will rejoin us again ebfore the years end but I am sad literally every day when I log into youtube and I dont see her having posted a frmae for a new stream. This means that every day for the p ast 65 days I have been sad. This is a very sad existence to live through so if you have any amount of empathy I would assume you would understand and comprehend how I am feeling at this moment and why things such as mild typos arent of concern to me. Please take care of your health, especially dental. It is one of those things that can be ignored for so so so long and then there comes a point where its far too late to take care of it actually.