>>50518455I'm going to have to do some archive reps. I see I missed a lot of good gens here.
>>50482982Chubby bunny indeed...
>>50509492>Remembered that FubuMio Sensei told us to take care of the girls in his absence, so here's my fubumio tithe.Happy to see the girls getting some love.
>titheWait, there's a tithe now? I won't complain about seeing more FubuMios tho.
>>50505415>>50506021>>50507198Look at her go!
>>50511662Despite being out in the snow, this feels very warm and cozy.
>>50510175Why is that plushie so cute and where can I get one
or a couple dozen?
>>50518489>>50518553Hey landscape anon!
Quality backgrounds as always.
>>50519179>Oh hey FubuMio, I'll let you take the wheel again I suppose.Hey! I'm the one here championing for more FubuMios! Don't let me stop you from doing more.
>How was your trip?The trip itself was nice. Dealing with clients? Eh, could be better. In any case, it was a successful trip. Even got to witness some guy getting surrounded by cops and arrested at gun point.