>>53523818That was Monke's fags and that was to fuck over OSU who totally deserve it and have ever since the last two r/place's. Those fags needed some rape correction by a gigachad.
Of course, they just botted back out of it anyway. OSU is exactly why these pixelcanvas things are so retarded and boring. "HERE'S OUR LOGO NOW DON'T FUCKING TOUCH IT OR WE'LL REEE SO HARD!"... is boring as fuck. Make something. At least Swarm and Anny have made things all over the canvas and the problem isn't them doing that the problem is not enough other people trying the same shit. This really shouldn't ever have had to be Connor vs. OSU and VShojo (mostly Mouse) vs. Anny/Swarm. It should have been everybody against everybody all over the place, but these faggots make art and then think it has to be protected and enshrined for all eternity. It's boring. DO something, don't just react to someone provoking you.