>>7003507>what is your guess on who is the Fae hunting the girls down at the HedgeIgnore the previous post, didn't read the question correctly. If I were to hazard to guess on who's hunting them down, it would most likely whoever Yuul and her professor pissed off during their experimentations. Isn't that the main reason why The Hook went after Yuul in the first place? Though that does raise a question in of itself, on why didn't The Hook and the Fae went after the professor? Isn't she the brains of the group?
Though I think you're not asking the right question: What kind of Hunter organization is at the bar? Because, unless I'm mistaken, we never really did find out about that. Unless Mori already stated it and I just missed it.
I also wouldn't mind knowing the implication of Watoto using the power of the Wyrm to strike down the hedge. Since the Wyrm is a spirit that consumes nature and all that jazz. How would the Fae react to that slight.