Not a second had passed, after uttering the magic words, was his wish was granted. Champy’s nectar fired like heavy weapons ordnance across the bench and rained down onto Kiki’s flat, sweaty chest. Running down between her rib indents and filling her belly button. Champ’s arms that had been holding his upper half up failed as he fell back onto the bench, huffing and puffing from the mind blowing orgasm Kiki just gave him. After a minute or two to gently glide back down to earth, did Kiki’s head peer over Champy’s face, eclipsing the locker room lighting. The smuggest shit-eating grin adorned her.
“Champy’s a footfag! Champy’s a footfag! Champy’s a footfag!” she taunted.
“Sh-shut up! I love every part of you equally.” he stammered as she continued.
“That’s sooo gross! Haha feet boy, feet boy! How do you feel? How do you feel?” holding up an imaginary microphone to his mouth.
“I feel like a certain cunny bunny is asking for a behavioral correction spanking.” he stated plainly as a vein bulged out on his forehead.
Grabbing her arm and pulling her tiny body down and over his lap, she squeaked in surprise. Loud thwacks echoing through the locker room as the swift hand of rabbity justice lay penance upon her comically large bumbum. Her cheeks on both ends turning tomato red, as she pretend-pleaded for moicy, tears welling in her eyes. But no moicy came, to her secretive delight. The little masochistic brat was overdue. Thinking she could get away with such insolence. Not on this Champy’s watch. An involuntary trickle of Kiki’s Kiki streamed down her leg, the harder Champy pressed on, signaling her peak of pleasure. Wow, what a dirty girl.
Suddenly, the locker room door creaked open. One final thwack cracked like lightning as the two peered toward the opening door. It was Kiki Bread, flopping across the floor.
“I forgot my bag” the loaf of carbohydrates stated to the nude couple on the bench.
Nonchalantly flopping by and neither taken aback by the scene, having walked in on the two in far lewder post-divegrass match instances than this before. The loaf donned it’s bag and exited the room. Reminding the two to hit the lights on the way out. Looking down at Kiki’s bum, it was clear she had learned her lesson (not really). And it was probably rude to keep the rest of the team waiting. Plus, the two needed to save some energy for the romp til dawn they would have together back at the rabbit house.
The couple got up and helped each other into the admittedly few clothes they normally wore. Kiki raising her arms as Champy slipped her oversized t-shirt on her. Champy steadying himself with his hands on her shoulders as she drew his speedos up his legs. Throwing the duffle over him, Champ held out his arm to drape over Kiki’s shoulders. Kiki wrapped hers across his back as they leaned into each other and made their way out of the locker room, casually forgetting about the lights on the way out. One last smack to her bumbum as thanks for the feat of magic she performed back in there.
Time for bed now gigi