>>30072104>>30072822Numbers anon here, I don't give a shit about shxtou, really. I just include him because he's notable and i'd be negligent in my duties tracking the /lig/ numbers if he was not included. Honestly I don't watch any male vtubers at all, I more tend to gravitate towards people like the South Side gang, Nemu, Tob, Hina, and Reiyu for my entertainment. In fact in most of my notes I am usually actively rooting for Shxtou to be dethrone because he makes for a fun measuring stick of how everyone is doing.
There are some exclusions I make from the numbers but it's typically things like some literally who getting a one day front page buff, VRchat streamers trying to astroturf onto the vtuber tag, Vtuber doing an IRL stream, or part time vtubers (Lilypichu, CodeMiko).
In short: I don't give a shit about shxtou. He's neither good nor bad to me, I just don't exclude people without cause. I'm an autistic faggot loser who does it for free, but god damn it I have integrity.
Pic unrelated, here's Reiyu's massive milkers as an apology for dealing with my blogpost here.