>>24533234>RATE THE RABBITBored with her scheduled programing but pipipipped right up once she started talking about something that interested her.
>RATE THE SHITTY MANGAIt was trash and I wasted my time reading it.
>RATE THE RANTSRather good. I think Pippa would enjoy reading DF Wallace's essays. The guy talked about how irony was a useful tool back in the 50s and 60s for deconstructing the hypocrisy of American culture. This culture of critique that can only tear down without ever building up eventually becomes so entrenched that people subconsciously become fearful of sincerity as they do not wish to be mocked. To quote his essay, E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction,
>The next real literary "rebels" in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of "anti-rebels," born oglers who dare to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse single-entendre values. Who treat old untrendy human trouble and emotions in the U.S. life with reverence and conviction. Who eschew self-consciousness and fatigue. These anti-rebels would be outdated, or course, before they even started. too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, acquainted, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that'll be the point, why they'll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk things. Risk disapproval. The old most modern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. The new rebels might be the ones willing to risk the yarn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the "How Banal." Accusations of sentimentality, melodrama. Credulity. Willingness to be suckered by a world of lurkers and starers who fear gaze and ridicule above imprisonment without law. Also I think she would enjoy reading Glubb's Fate of Empires. It is a short read (40 some odd pages if I recall) and is pretty interesting if you are unfamiliar but aware of the world. Her descriptions of the (pseudo)intelligentsia are pretty on point with how he implies the fall of the intellectual class during an Age of Decadence.
>RATE THE DOUGNot much to add beyond what Pippa said. She pretty much nailed my thoughts.
>RATE THE YIFF RATUnfortunate, but expected. Pippa has pandered to furries before and those types are want to support their own.
>RATE THE SPIDERShould have taken the pic next to her feet for scale.