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Fund trades for the 23rd of March
>22 anons traded funds shares
>21 anons purchased funds
>6 anons only bought their own fund
>3 anons sold funds
>40 anons traded funds this week (Saturday-Friday cycles)
>58 funds got new investment
>4 funds had shares removed from their care
>14 funds were ignored by investors (not counting private funds)
>5 of the ignored funds had a 20% fee
>289K shares were bought in total
[草] potato is the biggest buyer today, with 44K+ shares
TowaBaby is the biggest seller today, with 1,01K- shares
Watamates United is the most bought fund today, with 12K+ shares
Delta Holdings gained 3.1B from investment
MERAKYATS MUTUAL FUND lost 48M from removed investment