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Tempus was a psyop conducted through cooperation between Aviel Basin (CEO of idol corp) and Larry Fink (CEO of (BlackRock), the investment fund responsible for companies trending towards leftist beliefs and pandering to marginalized peoples). Through BlackRock’s funding, they executed a plan to marginalized straight white men even more. They started off with debuting Tempus, a vtubing branch that attracted more non heterosexual/cisgender nonwhite people and they solidified their stance against the straight white man when they stood behind Kronii’s mistreatment of her gachis (mostly heterosexual white men). They released Tempus 2 less than 6 months after Tempus 1 was released to alienate white men even more. All the meanwhile, (((idol))) is appealing to CGDCT enjoyers (mostly whites) as BlackRock funds cover to indirectly funnel disgruntled unicorns to Idol. This is all part of their global plan to subvert the white race.
This topic pertains to vtubers and vtubing content, by the way.