Since Tempus is actually doing okay, I guess, who’s your lineup for the next set of HomoENs?
Anonymous No.29540436 View ViewReport Quoted By:
See title, gimme some creative names that would actually be cool as a set of debutantes. Don’t need to give me a full four or five names, just a couple.
I’ll throw some darts at a board and go with these guys:
-Kaiserklein, former Age of Empires pro, known for ONLY playing European civilizations and getting excessively salty whenever he’s beaten by any non-European, non-Asian civ. Will not fuck your oshi because your oshi is probably not European.
-Van Darkholme. I hope you know who this guy is. Why not get an actual turbogay streamer to join a company full of dudes that pretend to be KINDA gay on camera? He’ll be hammy as fuck, say funny shit, and you can actually have him around your oshi because he’ll fuck her boyfriend and not her. Problem is him being a literal retired pornstar, but HoloJP hired Aqua…
-Ben Simmons, because with Sana gone, Holo needs a new brown Aussie who doesn’t do anything in their dayjob. Also if Ame needs somebody to play Fortnite with he’s there. Will not fuck your oshi because none of them is a Kardashian or young socialite of any kind.