>>24924704I will give you a common one and a common tactic at dealing with it.
>I am hungry so I order fast food which is 90% oil and 10% actual foodInstead cook that item at home even if its trash food. Then Once you have elimanated the habit of ordering fast food entirely you could adapt your cooking to be more healthy.
You could of course just cook healthy from the start but some people stay more motivated and disciplined if you keep it simple and upgrade from terrible to bad to ok to good to great when it comes to your daily living.
This doesnt always work if the source of the craving is emotional or stress however.
If you can keep your goals and the steps you take at a childs level of progression at your start you will be able to at least move forward. Then if you feel you can push yourself harder you can do it and risk fucking up or relapsing into bad habits but have the knowledge to go
>ok i fucked up when I tried working extra hard, lets start back at the begining, still push but not as much as I did last time and see how I do.>>24924977Good, now make sure you are maintaining your health, hygeine, and doing what you can to be happy.