>>7860445Subaru's been privating her utawaku for more than a year now. Started because she was really tired after her birthday and didn't perform to her best, now it's the norm. Always sweating, hands shaking, nervous. Sometimes she's better, sometimes she's not. That's the reality of singing she still can't accept. You can't be at your 100% every day and worrying about it only makes it worse.
Seems like Subaru takes singing too seriously now and I don't agree with that mindset, I think she's at her best when her passion is on display. Caring about skill and comparing yourself to others is the fastest way to kill your confidence. Most holos who aren't strangers to making mistakes either don't care about them (like danchou or Ame who know they can't sing but do it anyway) or iron them out by training (like Kanata who basically guesses the pitch but keeps trying songs that test her ability to do that). Only tryhards treat karaoke streams as demonstration of skill. Not necessarily a bad thing when you have something to brag about (like Nene and sometimes Suisei) but if you listen to Subaru's old utawaku before her idol pride was at stake, they weren't really bad and she just had fun. My favorite one is still her NND medley utawaku.