Quoted By:
>phasecucks encourage the harassment of rival corpos and create multiple "meme" accounts to spread rrats about everyone except phase to grow their reputation
>phase is forever branded the /pol/corpo a label that still haunts them to this day
>fish pays for the entire artist alley at offkai to look like a hero and save phase's reputation
>immediately gets into drama thanks to pippa's bestie having a meltdown
causing various phasefags to call for a boycott that blows up in their face
>phase talents mod and directly communicate with drama channel to get free advertisement and insure they never get bad PR
>dramafaggots are forever seen as phase shills and no reputable corpo talent will ever acknowledge them
>fish bribes fillian to shill his new gen in the first vtuber awards then the next year sponsors one of the categories
>said gen is a flop and phase wins 0 nominations the next year
You retards never learn