>>56374809Much like with all the lightweight fairy types with low HP and defenses, you're better off banking on the strengths of just controlling as much space as possible, getting boxed in is certain death. Luckily before Yagoo's start their bullying, IRyS has a very strong first 20 or so minutes solely due to having passive self-sustain, strong synergy with crit and tons of hits on her basic weapon, which makes something like an early Knockback stamp or Usada stamp a real strong start. Out of items Hope Soda, Milk, Focus Shades and many of the "gambit" items (Face Mask, Energy Drink, GWS Pill etc...) remain strong solely because even with a plethora of defensive options, you'll explode so having a good set of either ranged damage weapon collabs or items will usually leave your defensive options to either slot for body pillow and chicken feather.