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Matsuri piss fic. Saw this prompt a thread or two ago and decided to try it out. Hope you guys enjoy.
¥15000 is ¥15000
“For fuck sake Matsuri! I am not going to drink your piss. So how about you and your piss ‘piss’ off!” You rub your temples in annoyance.
“Ehhhh” Matsuri puts on a pouty face “It would be super funny though.” Your head sinks further into your hand, cradling it as the words she speaks cause nothing but pain. “No I refuse to believe that you would find this funny. If you truly do, you’ve got one hell of a fucked up sense of humor.” She doesn’t say anything but she somehow pouts even harder.
You’ve know Matsuri to be one hell of a weirdo but that doesn’t really bother you. You’re used to all the weird shit she does, at least you thought you were until she came up to you with a bottle her of own urine and asked you to drink it as a joke. At first you thought it was an actual joke. You thought she filled it with some beer, so you played along but as soon you unscrewed the cap you were assaulted by the waft of actual piss. You retched and dropped the bottle, spilling in on the floor and your shoes. Matsuri moaned how wasted her ‘precious juices’ but you couldn’t care less as you felt the vomit rising out of your throat although you somehow managed to suppress it then and avoided making even a larger mess. It’s been a week since that incident and every day since then, without missing a beat, Matsuri has brought a bottle of piss to work and harasses you to drink it, always saying it would be funny, which it so definitely wouldn’t. Honestly she’s got you on the brink of reporting her ass to HR, her silly gross jokes may have been funny before but this is just downright piss-taking.
You try to shoo her away but she speaks again, bringing up an interesting proposition “How about I pay you to drink it?” You stop shooing her, your ears perk up. You also hate how you considered drinking her piss even for a split second just because money was involved. What are you? Some kind of whore? And even against your better judgement and pride, you ask her how much she’s willing to pay.
“I’ll pay ¥5000 if you take a sip but if you chug it, I’ll triple it. But also you can’t spit it out or vomit.” Basically ¥15000. Fucking ¥15000, it will be the easiest ¥15000 you ever made. Just have to chug some piss. You certainly don’t have a piss kink and this is insanely gross but ¥15000 is ¥15000. Fuck it, you’re a stupid bitch whore. You don’t say anything but you snatch the bottle of Matsuri’s hand. She’s surprised but a lecherous grin spreads across face quickly, Jesus Christ what a creep. You knew this wasn’t a matter of being funny, she gets off from this shit probably.