We've had like 3 high profile people now mention that niji girls have messaged them talking about Aster sex pesting them.
All 3 of them are lying then?
Who the fuck do you think leaked the Scarle and Aster PM? It was Scarle. Obviously.
If you're going to bitch about the people she spoke to not mentioning her by name, what the fuck do you expect them to do? Fuck her wishes and expose her anyway despite her clearly asking them not to? They'd be despised (and rightfully so).
There's another DM leaked here
>>90975070By who? By TWISTY. Twisty was the one shitting on him in that league game. She leaked the DM and she is one of the other girls getting into contact with the people who are exposing this shit.
I legitimately cannot fathom how you are incapable of seeing this when it's this blatant. There's no mystery here outside of who the other girls are that were mentioned because Scarle and Twisty are lock ins. Period.