Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!
Fubuki and Mio arguing who's better at slurping, asking (you) to be the judge.:
>>32515550Oh no! Ui has had enough of your disgusting antics and made your dick disappear with the infamous Ui-beam!:
>>32516932Molesting young sister Ame.:
>>32524983Selen's new proudly displayed pitpussy is something else. I NEED a fic about jamming my face or dick in there:
>>32538669Going to see the Nene exhibit at the zoo:
>>32550727Defending yourself against Gawr, only for her to turn back to Gura in the middlenof the fight and start crying because you're hitting her:
>>32573090Request a Kurokami fic now that she has a model.:
>>32586825(You) get hit by a truck and reincarnated as a small monkey in sub-Saharan Africa.: