>>40908174>yfw it all started with one collab begger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JacsMqdk7lc>most likely picked up on kronii's behind the scenes activities with the Tempus boys to make a SC like thatI don't care about hololive en / stars collab. I'd rather see Vesper collabing with new tempus and having comfy bromoments with his kohais. But shitposters forcing some sorta ship between kronii and vesper physically causes me to recoil. Their banter seems much more than superficial Niji-tier shipperfag garbage. I was hoping the Vesper/Kronii arc could've ended in truce and understanding between two spiritual broshis. didn't kronii make her bones voicing BL/fujobait stuff before hololive? If only Kronii had a healthy support from Based Gaybros to build her self-esteem up after Coomer bandwagoners and piece of shit parasocials attacked her all those months ago but alas, this world can be cruel and empathy rarely exists in these parts. Ah well, Vesper is still top broshi and I will always support my boy.