>>85499469>i wore this exact dress before>this is exactly what i wore at my 8th grade dance>this exact fit>you know what's kinda funny tho?>i went there and then i had no friends so i was sitting by myself at like a table in the corner and i was just scrolling through my tumblr feed like a loser>so i kinda really lived up to it you know~>i dont think i went to homecoming in highschoo- NO I DID>i went with my friends and they were the onew who had dates>so i was actually abandoned at homecoming>i just didnt want to mention that because it's kinda more loserish to say>i remember my mom picking me up and i was actually fighting tears in the car>it was not a good time>but my 8th grade outfit was pretty fire right?how easily would have 13 year old Essie fallen for some slightly older french girl starting to talk to her about fashion and music and the exact shit she was barely watching scroll by on tumblr?