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Good morning class, welcome to today's lecture on hag sexuality. As many of you are familiar with the belief that age affects the sexual value of women, many have believed that as a woman ages her sexual value reduces. Today's class is meant to disprove this belief. The egg to age ratio theory postulates that as a woman ages and the eggs in her womb begin to lessen her sexuality begins to increase. This goes against the common belief of sexual value being higher in women of younger ages, the theory aims to prove that the less eggs that a woman has in her womb she begins to release hormones that heighten her sexual value in the eyes of younger men. This is further emphasized by the belief that these pheromones activate the mating reaction in younger men causing them to want to impregnate a woman just as her womb begins to dry. While this is still a theory many of you in this class are familiar with this feeling. Have you ever seen a woman who while old has this feeling of intense sexuality to all their actions that is the age to egg ratio theory being seen in action. Not all men are affected by this, younger men are theorized to be more susceptible to the hag pheromone. This is not to say older men aren't attracted to these women hence why the theory is still a controversial one in the scientific community. I expect a report this Tuesday on possible events that support today's theory. Thank you for listening and see you next meeting. By the way you all might want to do advance reading on the cunny curve, because our next topic will be the polar opposite to today's topic being that of the sexuality of younger women and how their petite forms cause intense vocal and sexual responses from men.