>>15555024Good to hear from you, honkler.
>More spread and volatility in daily adjustmentsThis might be good. Hard to say. Right now, coins adjust enough to profit with daytrading, but the practice of daytrading is complete ass for people in the upper levels of the leaderboard, and players lower down can't even bother because they can't make more than 2-3 buys on any high-profile coins.
>Higher transactional volatility that scales better with prices.Yes, please. It also needs to scale with volume, because right now volume is drastically outpacing pricing.
>Higher limit on multicoin, potentially up to 8.I'm curious how you got to that number, but okay.
>Lower taxes on multibuy but higher taxes on multisell.Needs to be the inverse. Multibuy is self-incentivizing; you don't need to make it easier. People will do it regardless because it's a mechanic that benefits you more than the drawbacks can possibly bring. Multisell is ALREADY a borderline-useless function because the things it offers (quick money ASAP at the cost of more gradual/long-term profits), and cuts deeper into your profits than Multibuy does; you may as well delete the function now if you push that through without giving players a reason to need a bunch of money in an emergency.
>Higher spread on dividendsMight be cool. Hard to say. I honestly think dividends are mostly fine in their current state; other aspects of the game are more pressing matters.