Fauna's re-learning how to you know, actually be mother nature as it's time to see just how good she can take care of babies in Mother Simulator. According to these first few minutes, not very good as she literally tossed the baby like a football into the wall and adorably giggled about it. Saplings, are you okay? Is this how Fauna treats you during member's streams? Watching her just throw all the baby stuff is definitely painful but it sure is entertaining.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDuR1CR_oWg>Song ReleasedTemma's 2nd Anniversary sit down with Aruran and Miyabi was such a lovely stream that you should check the VODs for and then you can go give his brand new cover of the song 1.15 Million Kilometers of Film. Temma's soft, pleasant singing voice will definitely soothe your soul and if you haven't given it a listen to yet, please consider doing so. It's a really nice cover.