>>58170773The most fucked up dream I ever had with Hololive was one a few years back where I was walking my dog, and I met Polka at the mall walking her own dog.
They did that thing in shows where dogs chase each other around, and that causes the leashes to get tangled up with the owners, so me and her got caught together for a bit in a meet cute situation where our dogs basically wrapped us into a hug, and it actually didn't go bad from there, the rest of the dream was very pleasant and cute hanging out.
But then I started waking up, and instead of the usual waking up drift, for some reason my own conciousness got split from that of the me in my dream, so I was suddenly watching the "me" that I had been up until then as I started waking up. And as I slowly woke up, the whole "dream world" started breaking down into an empty white void from the outside in, including shit like the mall going white, and people disappearing from the dream. The "me" that was in the dream was freaking out, because they KNEW that I wasn't them anymore, and that they were going to be erased because they weren't the true "me" anymore, while Polka was freaking out because the whole world was breaking down from her perspective.
It ended with things going full "white void," and as Polka and her dog and my dog were erased from the dream world, the person that used to be me started screaming in rage and despair about how it wasn't fair, and that everything was being taken from him: Life, happiness, the possibility of a future with her in this world, and the unfairness of being forced to perceive his own death while KNOWING that it was only happening because he didn't get to be the one that woke up. And as the thing that was once me got erased, I fully woke up.
Easily the craziest dream I've ever had as an adult.